Monday, February 7, 2011

Twenty Seven

the number of kilometres I ran yesterday morning - woo hoo!
(Only 15km more to add to that!)
approximately the number of times I wanted to stop running.
approximately the number of plates of food I shovelled into my face over the rest of the day.
the number of minutes I could manage in my recovery jog this morning.
approximately the number of 'non bed' spots that Magoo likes to sleep in.

This is where he was just now.
Note the perfectly good bed in the background.

Happy Monday!
Shar :-)

1 comment:

Jill Glancy said...

Bought a pair of running shoes a few days ago. I went for my FIRST EVER JOG today ! Ha. I don't think I'll ever get to 27k but I didn't actually collapse ! LOL ! You must have inspired me ! ! !